#SVB – Social Video Brand: develops tools allowing a Brand to create its own WebTV and to manage publication and consumption of multimedia content through ad hoc applications for mobile and smart tv. Moreover, thanks to an integration system it is possible to share such content inside a group of social networks selected by the administrator and receive a series of feedbacks and reports to analyse and understand trends.
#SVB develops a centralised system to
- Manage uploading and publication of individual multimedia content (on demand, live and scheduled) for streaming on different platforms
- Manage a hierarchy of users, create groups allowed to exchange messagges, and the authentication though social networks
- Monitor and analyse content published on all platforms by means of a centralised system.
- Politecnico di Torino, through its Department of Sciences and Policies of the territory (DIST) whose research activity focuses on knowledge, design, communication, management and exploitation of historical, cultural, economic, environmental, natural assets and built on a sustainability perspective, is the coordinator of the project.
- Cedeo is a company developing technologies, promotes standards and designs/implements digital media advanced solutions. Its role in the project is to participate in the definition of the #SVB service requirements, extract from requirements the functionalities and implement them for the prototype.
- Archibuzz has design and development of web sites and applications. And the provisioning of consulting services in the field of digital marketing. In the project it specifies the user interface and implements the tools to share content and to analyse the relevant data.
- Onions is a small local enterprise focused on video creativity. Its core business is represented by video production in the medical, scientific and documentary field. Its role in the project concerns measurement of market potential and identify creation/communication possibilities of such an exclusive and composite product.
From the viewpoint of backend, and content/channel management, #SVB allows to:
- Support a user hierarchy (Brand: main user, shops: second level users);
- Support a network of hierarchical #SVB sites;
- Upload videos for on demand access;
- Create live events;
- Record automatically live events;
- Stop a live stream e simultaneously stream another transparently for the end user who needs not, e.g., restart the application or reload the browser page ;
- Save a scheduled service to stream it later or edit it because schedules are considered as templates;
- Let uther users define usability of own content;
- Define user group and exchange messages between groups of users;
- Distribute contenuti on own sociali networks (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, tcc.) through a centralised control panel to maximise sharing with less time;
- Visualise and monitor a set of data related to contenti distribution on social networks;
- Request videos related to products on sale;
- Create contests;
- Offer an adaptive streaming service;
- Count end user views including ads (for video on demand, live, playlists, schedules).
From the viewpoint of content consumption, #SVB allows to:
- Access #SVB channel from web, mobile and smart tv;
- Watch videos and live events;
- Share content on one’s social network (Twitter, facebook etc.);
- Respond to a call for videos;
- Take part in a contest.
Social TV, Web TV, Interactive TV, Social marketing, Data mining, Sentiment analysis.
- Launch a contest asling the community to send videos where the brand product/service is used in some particular contexts;
- Sponsor the contest asking the community to vote the videos received (e.g. with a Facebook like);
- Publish the most voted videos, jointly with other content produced by the same Brand;
- Broadcast a live event to get the involvement of those who have produced the most voted videos to tell their experience, and promote it to maximise the number of viewers;
- Analyse the comments riceived by users on this initiative on different social networks, the traffic generated, the number of shares, new fans acquired (Business Intelligence);
- Distribute the same audiovisual content on dedicated channels (digital signage);